Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Message on Book Donations

Maybe you've already donated and maybe you're skeptical, but I just want to take the opportunity to give you a little more information about Home Base Youth Services and encourage you, once again, to PLEASE consider donating to a great cause! Here's a little more info about HBYS from Rachel Dallmann HBYS's Development & Volunteer Coordinator.

HomeBase Youth Services is an Arizona-based, non-profit organization
founded in 1991 to address the growing needs of at-risk and homeless
youth age 21 and younger. At age 18, many youth "age out" of the foster
care or juvenile justice systems without the necessary life skills to
live independently; as a result, they quickly end up homeless and on the
streets. Other youth choose to flee their homes after years of mental,
physical and emotional abuse, or neglect. HomeBase addresses the needs
of this "forgotten" population, and assists these promising young people
with the tools they need to live healthy, independent lives. The
programs and services we offer include Street Outreach, Mobile Medical
Outreach, Employment and Life Skills Training, Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Care, a Resource Center, a Transitional Living Program,
and an Independent Living Program.

The books would be added to the small library that has been started at
the Resource Center where youth who are living on the streets and in the
shelters can escape everything that is going on out there.

We would also have books available at the Transitional Living Facility
for youth who are working and/or going to school.

Books are a great way for the youth to escape to a temporary safe place
while they are working on getting there themselves. Right now, both
locations only have a shelf or two to choose from. We would also be
able to offer the youth the option of keeping a book or two, that they
would enjoy rereading. Many of the youth have very little material
possessions, so it would be nice for them to have something that is

Thanks for reading guys! Also I'm going to say, that if you donate at least one book for this cause, I'll give you ten extra entries in the Hush, Hush giveaway!

You can find out more about how to donate through the link above.


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