Anywho, I had a drawing tonight, and the winners of the Hush Hush giveaway are as follows:
Hang Yourself From Stolen Dreams (Faye) won the Hardcover Prize pack!
Kieran won the Paperback ARC Prize pack!
Katie won the Hush, Hush bookmark and postcard!
And Tisa won a Hush Hush Postcard!
Plz send me your addresses soonish! I probably wont be able to send these until after the New Year, But I shall send them soon!
Now some news about the blog!
This year of blogging really has been awesome, and while I've enjoyed so much of it, it's also been pretty draining... (I literally haven't had a chance to read anything in like the past three months, which is kind of counter productive... >_<)
So I've decided that while I'm not saying I'm going to stop posting, I'm definitely not going to be posting AS MUCH from now on. 2010 is bringing me a lot of new challenges already, and a lot more work, and as much as I love the blog, I'm just going to have to slow down so I can handle it all! I hope that's understandable enough. =/
This way I can stock up on more reviews for you guys, and read a bunch more, so that the whole point of this blog (my honest reviews) won't be forgotten in the frenzy of prizes and giveaways and such. (Of course I love those too, but they can wait for a while till my reviews are more frequent!)
PLUS it'll give me time to work on a new project I'm WAY excited to share with you guys! I was really hoping to have it up and running by New Years but I'm not sure that'll happen... guess we'll see how much work on it I can crank out till 12 am tomorrow night! ;D
But I'm really excited about it, and I hope some of you guys will like what I post there along with my reviews and such. :) Eventually I'll probably blog mainly from that blog, IndiGrrrls, but even then I'll still post reviews sometimes. No worries! ;)
So guess that's all, not goodbye but see you later! (Probably on Twitter! ;) haha) Love you all SOOOO much, and thanks for being my readers! Happy New Year!