Welcome to the promotion of epic proportions readers! In honor of the James Patterson Bestseller, Max, coming out in paperback, Big Honcho media is teaming with ReaderGirl Reviews to give YOU (the reader) a chance to read the whole series for free!
BUT WAIT, there's more! ;D
Not only do you get the whole series if you win, but also You get the first two books of James' Daniel X series!
If you don't know what series I'm talking about (shame! haha just kidding. =P) click here to learn more about the books from James Patterson's webby!
And a little blurb about Max...
Still reeling from their most recent adventure, Maximum Ride and the rest of the flock must head out to sea to uncover the secret behind a brand new series of disasters—fish are dying off the coast of Hawaii, hundreds of ships are being destroyed. As if that weren’t enough, they’re also being tracked by a criminal mastermind with, oh yeah, an army of mercenaries. Can the flock save themselves and the ocean, and the world, from utter destruction?
Even if you don't win, paperbacks are affordable right? So go out and read “MAX” - the newest book in the bestselling Maximum Ride series asap, on sale in paperback NOW!
OK, but seriously, but to the prizes! Big Honcho Media has supplied me with two HUGE prize packs including:
~ Maximum Ride: Max (paperback)
~ Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment (paperback)
~ Maximum Ride: School’s Out – Forever (paperback)
~ Maximum Ride: Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports (paperback)
~ Maximum Ride: The Final Warning (paperback)
~ Maximum Ride: Manga (paperback)
~ The Dangerous Days of Daniel X (paperback)
~ Daniel X: Watch the Skies (hardcover)
All you have to do to enter is comment! *is a comment glutton* As many times as you want to be entered, you should comment saying whatever you want! Not so much one word an entry, it doesn't hurt you to say a little something with each entry, but you don't have to write you're first novel out into the comment form either. xP
I'll pick the winners on Friday the 18th of September, so you have roughly two weeks to enter.
Also here's the "Fine Print" for you're consideration:
The Maximum Ride: Max Promotion is open to legal US residents who are at least 13 years of age as of August 24, 2009. There will be two prizes for each Promotion. Each prize consists of the following eight (8) books: Maximum Ride: Max (paperback); Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment (paperback); Maximum Ride: School’s Out – Forever (paperback); Maximum Ride: Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports (paperback); Maximum Ride: The Final Warning (paperback); Maximum Ride: Manga (paperback); The Dangerous Days of Daniel X (paperback); and Daniel X: Watch the Skies (hardcover). The approximate retail value of each prize is $72.00. Winners will be confirmed on or about September 28, 2009 by email. Prizes will only be shipped to confirmed winners with addresses in the US. Prizes will be shipped within 30 days after a selected entrant is confirmed as a winner.
Awesome! I'm so excited and I'm not even eligible! lol Thanks again to Big Honcho Media for allowing me to be apart of their promotion and giving you all this awesome chance to WIN! haha Big props to them and all the work they did to make this possible for you guys.
You may enter... NOW!

I'll just enter once haha : )
Enter me please!!!
paradoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com
I love the Maximum Ride series!
hauntingorchid at aol dot com
I can enter as many times as I want?
hauntingorchid at aol dot com
That's awesome! =D
hauntingorchid at aol dot com
You're awesome! ^_^
hauntingorchid at aol dot com
This contest is awesome! XD
hauntingorchid at aol dot com
Okay, I think that's enough entries (for now). ;)
OOo very cool!
I would love to win this!
I'm working on compiling a list of these contests, so check my blog later today and maybe you can enter to win one of the other ones!
I read the first book and really enjoyed it. I'm excited to read the rest of the series and the Manga.
Okay, last comment for now. I'll probably come back later and leave a few more.
Thanks for hosting this contest!
Thanks for this great giveaway.
I would love to win theses.
Have you read the Eragon series?
It's great.
I've just finished reading America Libre, by Raul Ramos Y Sanchez.
Great book.
Can't say enough good things about Harry Potter!
A Circle of Souls, by Preetham Grandhi is an excellent read!
Loved the Twilight series, but haven't seen the movie.
Entering as often as I can - I want to win these books for mentored students via the Polk Education Foundation.
That's awesome Nea! Thanks for entering!
I have read the first Eragon book! I liked it but havn't read the second one.... yet! I shall one day !
I would LOVE to win!!
This is me, entering your contessttt!
Oh, by the waaayy,
I love your little music player on your blog....*has listened to She's So High by Tal Bachman like 34 times now...not that she's counting or anything*
And people keep telling me to read James Patterson books, so now I MUST!
I would like to be entered!
It's great that James Patterson is also writing books for YA!
The teen loves James Patterson too! Just finished Sundays at Tiffany.
It's amazing how prolific James Patterson is! I watched Women's Murder Club and can;t wait for Castle to come back in the Fall season!
Isn't this interesting:
Horror novelist Stephen King has dismissed Patterson's bibliography as being made up of "dopey thrillers," and in one interview called him a "terrible writer". Patterson responded dismissively, simply stating that "I just want to be the thrillingest thriller writer around."
James Patterson was born on March 22nd, 62 years ago!
Movie deals of James Patterson's books currently in the works include a major motion picture based on his Maximum Ride series, to be produced by Avi Arad, the producer of the X-Men and Spider-Man film series.
James Patterson resides in Palm Beach, Florida with his wife, Susan, and son, Jack.
Patterson’s books have sold an estimated total 150 million copies worldwide!
Patterson has written 52 novels over his 33 years as an author!
That's something!
Please include me.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Wow that's a lotta fuuuuunnnn facts! haha thanks for sharing!
While I totally respect Stephen King's work ethic, he's always dissing other authors and that's just so unprofessional to me! :( Kudo's to James for brushing it off! ^_^
LUL That's a good song! I have fallen in love with playlist.com, it's sooo handy! 8D
Thanks to everyone who's entered so far! Keep it up! The more you enter the better you're chance to wiiiinnnnn! lol *lovescomments*
Shame on me, I think I have only read one max book.
I absolutely love James Patterson!
Though never heard of the Daniel X books, shame on me.
I'd love a chance to win.
Haha, yes, it is quite nice! I've been investigating making one of my own playlists from the site, but it IS technology and we all know technology isn't my friend most of the time. In fact, I freaked out the other day in Best Buy when I saw a camera with automatic YouTube uploading features, which apparently is common-ish.
Is it?! O.O I think that's amazing! xD loling
Pshhhaw, not dat hard! ;P it's un times to be had by all! 8)
Enter meee!
contests are so awesome
you'd probs get way more comments if you took word verification off... LOL
Books are so fantastic!
I love James Patterson's YA books!
eclecticdahlia at aol dot com
I can't wait until they make the movie, but I'm really worried about how it'll turn out.
eclecticdahlia at aol dot com
A lot of people think Avan Jogia would be good for Fang. I don't really see it, but considering the rumors that Catherine Hardwicke wants Robert Pattinson (*gag* I just threw up a little) to play him, I'd be overjoyed if Avan got the role.
eclecticdahlia at aol dot com
I really hope it doesn't look like an indie documentary like Twilight. I don't like that style. I'm more for flashy explosions and CG.
eclecticdahlia at aol dot com
Have you read the Max Rise graphic novel?
FANG'S HAIR WAS SOOOO BAD!!! I don't care if it'll look like a competely different character, I really hope they change it for the next volume.
eclecticdahlia at aol dot com
I just read Daniel X: Watch the Skies. It was really good, and the thord one sounds even better! I'm so excited!!! ^_^
eclecticdahlia at aol dot com
If I'm going to keep posting comments like this, I need to find another topic. ^.^
eclecticdahlia at aol dot com
So, how 'bout them Red Sox? XD
eclecticdahlia at aol dot com
I would love to be entered to win this prize pack!
I loved the Maximum Ride series although I am sad to say that I haven't read Max yet. I just didn't have enough money to buy a hardcover. =[
Oh and I also haven't read the Daniel X books yet but I have the first one. My dad accidentally bought it thinking it was a murder mystery and when he realized it wasn't he gave it to me. Yay for free books!
Thanks for the awesome contest!
Hehe, the last word verification was "tradjudi". Sounds kinda like "tragedy". XP
eclecticdahlia at aol dot com
Hey, are you on right now? =) I see that some of my comments have already been published.
If so, Hi!
eclecticdahlia at aol dot com
BTW, it's soooo cool that we can enter as many times as we want! This is a really cool contest! XD
eclecticdahlia at aol dot com
I really hope I win! I have really bad luck when it somes to book giveaways. T_T
eclecticdahlia at aol dot com
What an awesome contest--I would love to read this series. I read the first one in High School and loved it! Such an awesome contest!
gfdevyn @@@ yahoo .... com
I have a friend named Maximum, we call her Max too. : )
gfdevyn @@@ yahoo .... com
If I win, I'm going to give the Daniel X books and the manga to my friend, because she doesn't have them and she's a big fan like me. And since I already own the first two MR books, I'd give the extra copies to my library (or give them as Christmas presents). :}
Or maybe give them away in a contest on my blog. Is that wrong??? :o
eclecticdahlia at aol dot com
I'm running out of things to say that count as actual comments. I think this will be my last entry...
for now! ^_^
eclecticdahlia at aol dot com
For some reason my comments are not showing up--I'm not sure if you have to approve them or now. *Blinks*
I just read over the post again and seen a Magna is included in the pack--That's awesome!
gfdevyn @@@ yahoo .... com
Ahha, so I'm not the only one who's behind on the technology-times! XD
I feel like now would be the time to use some really old slang/lingo.
Like "hip."
And "cool cats."
@Dahlia I know whatchu mean about the Twilight movie =/ No I havn't read the graphic novel actually! That's a bummer... =/ it's always a little hard when they make remake type stuff (movies, etc.) cause it's never exacally how you pictured. =/
Hiiiii! lol i'm fabulous how are you? I'm not a sports fan... xP
Totally re-contest um if you want! I've done it before! xD Though the library is a nice idea as well! *nodnod*
And I usually have bad luck with them too so i know whatcha mean! =/ But hey you've got a ton of entries so far, keep it up! ;)
@Katie Awesome! Parents being forgetfull can sometimes be used to advantage, no? haha
@Devlyn hey! Yeah I'm not very fast when it comes to approoving messages xD
@Kieran In relation to or technolagical dissabilities, or just in general? XD
Glad you all like the promotion! keep on entering!
Both, I think. More of the "what's new in technology land" though. Once I figure out the basics of stuff I can catch on, but I usually have trouble in the begining.
OH! I found one of the James Patterson books in my library and on one of the pages there was a mysterious green smudge across the page. YUCKKK!! So I didn't check it out....e_e
Ooohhhhh I seeeeee! lol
Ewwww...... I hate when people eat around LB bookd! X.x It's ok if you're careful, but I fund most people can't be trusted.... e.e *grr*
But I once got Gossip Girl from there, and it had what looked like vomit on the side of the pages T.T So I would have had to touch it! *hasdied* Unfortunatly, I found out AFTER Id already had to touch it to check it out, but I returned it ASAP and come away with only minor scarring. *thumbsup*
I can't even begin to describe the weird things that I've found in library books...sheeze...you'd think people would be more respectful. My little sister is the one that finds the cool stuff in books, like an awesome book mark AND a five dollar bill once...
XD awww... *patpats* I don't think I've ever found anything really cool either.... T.T
Count me in:)
Count me in! I've been wanting to read this series for awhile. And I posted about the contest on my site. Thanks for sending me the email about it! :)
I'd love to enter!
Wow enter as many times as I want huh? that is awesome!
This series sounds amazing I really hope I'm lucky enough to win *crosses fingers*
Here's a joke:
A guy walks into a bar and says "ouch" hahaha :)
Have you ever seen Family Guy? It's so funny and I'm actually watching it right now. This show is friggin' hilarious!
Um I can't really think of anything so comment with. Oh well recently one of my friends told me something crazy one of her brothers did. They are insane! They end up getting drunk all the time and crashing their cars. Those guys never learn.
Wow apparently Death is in this episode. Oh I saw this one already. Actually I've seen pretty much all of the FG episodes lol :)
That reminds me of the Dead Like Me show. I LOVE that show!
I really want to watch Back to the Future again. The first one especially. I haven't seen it in a while.
Yeah, I'm being totally random here.
It's a family guy ep where they go back in time. Moly Ringwald comes out it in supposedly. She says "oh I like to hook up with random guys from bars" or something like that. crazy.
The last word I got on the word verification was "taserer"
Wow I don't even remember some parts of this episode. Moly Ringwald and Peter are married.
Okay now I really, really want to watch that 70's show. I LOVE that show.
hahaha this FG ep is so funny. Man, I adore Stewie
In this episode Bin Laden supposedly was hiding in the set of Mad TV
Enter me!
Thanks for a great contest!
I love James Patterson books!
Thanks for the offer!
Uh, yeah. I only EVER find the gross stuff.
Unfair, sayeth I!
XD You tortured soul you! T_T This world can be so crule!
Here I am again!
I really hope I get lucky and win!
I want to go watch that new movie "9"
It seems really interesting and just overall awesome
I wish I had some spare cash so I can buy some jewelry
I'm addicted to the stuff I tell you
I can't help it it's just so great! Like necklaces, earrings, bracelets.
Have you ever been on etsy? It's freakin' amazing! I love supporting all these folks who are really nice by the way. They make all their own stuff. Well for the most part
Some people on there sell vintage items that are already made but they're really pretty too just super expensive
I hate the fact that some people sell stuff they call vintage but it really isn't it's just stuff that's cheaply made. you have to learn to tell the difference
i find that dishonest of them. :(
Another side I adore is deviantart.com it's mind blowingly awesome!
Have you seen the movie Slumdog Millionaire? It's really wonderful. :)
Okay I'm getting kind of tired of typing lol
But I really, really want to win
I guess I might stop now and maybe come back another time. I'm really sorry I'm flooding your inbox. :D
I thought of that before and though "yikes!" I'm sorry.
Well have a great week! :D
Arghhh....I just checked out ANOTHER armload(or two...three..) of books from the library, this had turned into a very bad habit. I mean, I have two book club books to read, and two or three books that I have to read for homework.
However- I still want to win these books, LOL!
Oh my goodnes....the word verification for this comment is "faucken"
Not kidding.
I saw your new post, and when I read "last day to enter" I couldn't resist adding a few more entries!
eclecticdahlia at aol dot com
Hmm, I don't know what to say that A) isn't totally random, or B) I haven't already said here. o_O
eclecticdahlia at aol dot com
But then, who ever said totally random was a bad thing?
eclecticdahlia at aol dot com
I think I have 17 entries now. ^_^
eclecticdahlia at aol dot com
Make that 18.
eclecticdahlia at aol dot com
eclecticdahlia at aol dot com
20 XD
eclecticdahlia at aol dot com
Hehe, click here.
eclecticdahlia at aol dot com
No wait! Click here!
eclecticdahlia at aol dot com
eclecticdahlia at aol dot com
eclecticdahlia at aol dot com
I think I've entered enough. I really hope I win! ^_^
eclecticdahlia at aol dot com
I forgot to come back! Thanks again for your contest!
This is such a great giveaway!!
I always enjoy Patterson books!
I can't wait to read these too!
It's always interesting to read the comments when it's unlimited entries.
The comments are always more interesting than mine!
haha thanks Dahlia!
And thanks so much to everyone who entered!
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