Anyways, this is Banned Books Week! (Or the end of it anyways.... >_e) YAY for banned books!
Some of my favorites are...
Forever by Judy Blume
Reason For Ban:
Graphic scenes involving SEX, candid details about teen relationships and the way the Judy Blume wrote about adolescent sexuality to plainly. (The book that everyone freaks out over! Seriously everyone I've met has said they don't want to read it because of the reputation it's gotten. Honestly? Sex exists people, and yeah it's awkward and personal and our culture doesn't like to have it talked about so publicly but so what?! It's a fact of life, DEAL. X_x *couldgoonandonaboutthisbutwillspareyou* This book was terrific!
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Reason For Ban:
Use of the word N****r. (Definitely not a nice word, but that was one used in the time period the book was written so banning it really doesn't seem fair to me.)
Flowers in the Attic by V.C. Andrews
Reason For Ban:
"Profanity" and "Pornography", I guess most of this series were taken off the shelves at one point. o.o
The His Dark Materials Trilogy by Philip Pullman
Reason For Ban:
Political and religious viewpoints and some violence. (These books are literary genius! D8)
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
Reason For Ban:
Use of the word N****r. (Definitely not a nice word, but that was one used in the time period the book was written so banning it really doesn't seem fair to me.)
Annie on My Mind by
Reason For Ban:
In short; homosexuality. (Don't get me started...;_;)
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Reason For Ban:
Well, it's ABOUT censorship for one... X_x And also i guess someone Complained about the use of the word "God damn" in the book.
Harry potter Series
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
the Giver
The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
I Am The Cheese
A Raisin In The Sun
What I Know Now
On The Bright Side, I'm Now The Girlfriend of a Sex God
Catcher In The Rye
Rainbow Boys
Of Mice and Men
Bridshead Revisited
And that's not All! The sad thing is that most books (Magazines, Movies...etc.) Have probably gone under the eyes of censorship at one point or another.; but there is a way to fight it! If you're reading this now, please borrow one of these books from a friend or the library or by all means, buy them! Also please, please, please, spread the word when you love it! ;D These are all fabulous books that deserve a life without censorship. Vivi la Banned Books!

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