(**EDIT** GRRR! I wanted to embed THIS video sooo badly but I'll link it anyways cause it's awesome! ^_^)
So, as you can probably tell, Vampire week didn't exactly happen... e_e;; and I'm so sorry! I just ended up being so busy this week that I had NO ROOM to fit in writing of reviews and such. :( I feel so, SO awful about it, but oh well I guess. =/
Anyway, putting that behind us, I do have a few updates about the site as well as our Halloweeny Month winners!
First off, next month, as I hope you know, is November ;) and that means... NANO! (Wrimo ;P) So, posts are going to be pretty scattered then, and I probably wont be doing a lot of reviews since I'll have no time to read! xD But I will try to post about my Nano progress and if any of you guys decide to join up you should follow me here!
Then, as I'm winding down from November, I'll be posting reviews, contests, and interviews in a new monthly feature I like to call, "ReaderGirl's Favorite Books of '09"! The idea is that by posting these things around Christmas I will be giving you new book suggestions you MUST add to you're Christmas list because they were just that fabulous! ;P and I hope you will because I know you will love them too!
I'm hoping to do this all through December, but as we know the holidays are very busy so I can't promise that I will do things everyday of every week, but I'll try to post lots! Especially since '09 was like a super-trifecta of YA greatness, and I really want to catch you up on any awesome titles you may have missed out on before New Years!
So... yeah guess that's all.... xD OH! Also just as a side note, in January I'll probably go through some of my '10 ARC's reviewing them and such and then I will probably slow down a ton and go to doing reviews here and there again, because honestly, I'm getting really wiped out! >_<
As much as I enjoy reviewing and hearing from you guys, I'm just plain exhausted, and I also really, really, really want to start focusing more on my new blog Indi.Grrls because I feel like it's going to be awesome and I just want to start posting there already!
But THAT is all. :) More on future stuffs in the future; for now, our WINNERS!
The Winner of the Fairy Tale Hardcover is... Book Pixie!
The Winner of the Paperback Blood and Chocolate is... Natalie!
And that's all.... e_e;;.... BUT THAT SOUNDS KINDA PITIFUL! xD So GUESS WHAT I'm gonna do?! Add some more prizes!
Let's see how about...
A mini Cirque Du Freak movie poster
A mini New Moon movie poster?!
Enter by Sunday night @ 10 PM!
Just comment to WINNNN!
Now a fun video from the boys of Panic to get you in the spirit!
So NOW that's all! ^_^ lol What's everyone doing for Halloween?!

Don't enter me! Just wanted to say...Yay, I won Fairy Tale! OMG, I'm so happy. Um, are you going to email me or do I need to email you because I can't find your email address on here.
XD Sounds like you've been BUSY! Speaking of NaNoWriMo, I've been writing mine all morning, and I don't even have that many words yet. e_e
BUT I shall not give up!
I found your email and have sent you my mailing address. :D
Good luck on your writing!
Just a question...which Natalie? LOL. I entered, but I'm sure more than Natalie entered? Let me know!
Thanks for hosting!
Natalie @ Mindful Musings
I would love to win a poster :)
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