First ever "In My Mailbox"! Wooo! hehe
But, before I get started, I do have one question for those of you who are regulars: What number am I supposed to put in the ( )'s in the title? Date? In My Mailbox Number? Much appreciated! >_<
ALSO! I haven't done my "Too Many Books Tuesday" for about a week because I've decided to do it on the weekend so I can be apart of the In My Mailbox post group thingy. XP So THIS IS STILL TOO MANY BOOKS TUESDAY, just on Sunday with a new post name. XP
And now, THE BOOKS! 8D
In My Mailbox was originally started by Kristi, The Story Siren, and she was inspired to create it by Alea of Pop Culture Junkie. Basically it's just a fun way to let everyone who wants to know what you've been reading (*coughcough* Haurding...*cough/gag*), what you plan to read (look at, ponder reading, eventually return to the library due to due date restrictions), and what You ARE reading. Thanks To Kristi for starting this, and don't forget that you can make your VERY ON In My Mailbox post and add it to the IMM blogger links list attached at the end of all of Kristi's IMM posts! ^^
Quite a haul this week actually, with not having done a TMBT post for a week or two (In massive preparation of this post *ohyesh*) and just generally being a book hoarder, it seems like I've got tons! *maniacal eye glint* So For this week only (hopefully) I'm going to show all of the covers but only single out a few that I was super excited about so this won't be a never-ending post.
Here we have...
Witch by Christopher Pike (Seemed right up my ally! xP)
Wicca Series (Sweep Series)book #5 Awakening (I LOVE this series, can't say enough how AMAZING and AWESOME it is. Probably one of my all time favorite series', it is just that good. And so, naturally, I have to collect both the American and British versions! The UK one is just sooo cool looking! *_* Anywho! *girlyexcitment*)
ARC's "In My Mailbox":
Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick (EEP! All I can say! lol Can't wait to start it, and the cover is even more breathtaking in "person"!)
Crazy Beautiful by Lauren Bareatz-Logsted (READ! It was soooo good! Review and Interview soon!)
Devoured by Amanda Marrone (Cover is gorgeous!)
Fairy Tale by Cyn Balog (Literally JUST finished it, it was sooo adorable! Review soon!)
The Treasure Map of Boys by E. Lockhart (LOVED The Disreputable History of Frankie Landow Banks, can't wait to read more by this author!)
The Forest of Hands and teeth Audio book by Carrie Ryan Narrated by Vane Millon (Honestly I'm a huge chicken, so I'm a little scared to read this one.. XD But Kami tells me it's fabulous so I shall give it a try! Plus i miss audio books! I used to listen to them ALL THE TIME when I was younger but lately not so much! So it'll be good to get back into them, and seriously if you haven't before, having somebody read the story too you takes it to a whole nutha' level, so try it if you can! ^^)
Bass Ackwords and Belly Up by Elizabeth Craft and Sarah Fain (Got the 2nd book from the Library a while back but returned it and saw this one on the self last week so I snatched it up. Looks very cute! ^^)
Tips On Having a Gay Ex-Boyfriend by Carrie Jones (Sounded good! 8D)
Someday This Pain Will be Useful to You by Peter Cameron (Heard good things about this one, worried it might be sad just from the title though the back says it's funny so who knows (?? getting mixed messages! T_T) but I like coming of age stories so I'm excited to read it!)
Woot! So there you have it, first In My Mailbox and it felt good! 8D lol
If any of you reading this now have In My Mailbox posts send me a link? Love to hear what everybody round the blogosphere's been reading! ^^

Great books you got. I love the Wicca series it's realy good. Enjoy reading all your books.
whoa! heaps of books - great ones too.
I think you can either write it as:
In My Mailbox (1); or
In My Mailbox 7/12
I've seen people doing both (I don't do In My Mailbox myself, though)
p.s. I love White Houses by Vanessa Carlton!! I haven't heard it before, but I was just reading through some of your older posts and listening and I went, "This is a really awesome song!"
YOu had a great week. I want to read Crazy Beautiful so bad! Happy reading!
Generally you put the number in the () of what week this is. Okay, that made no sense. You would put a 1 in your () like (1) because this is your first week. Next week, you would have (2) and then the week after, (3), and so on and so forth. At least, I'm pretty sure. If not, I've been doing it wrong the whole time. :P
I really want to read Hush, Hush, Crazy Beautiful and Fairy Tale. Bass Ackwards and Belly Up is indeed very cute. It's a lot like Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. :)
Happy reading! And you will- so many great books!
- Alex
Hey! People put the number of the post- so since this is your first you would put (1)
I lost count for my own posts so i don't put anything :P
great group of books!
YAY For First IMM!!
And YAY For The ARCS...
I Want To Read Those..
I just started reading the Sweep(Wicca) series myself! I found books 1-9 (less 3 & 8) in a used bookshop while on holiday and I read them while away. I love it! I am now trying to get books 3, 8 and 10-14 somewhere! (trying bookmooch, but no luck yet!)
Great haul of books you got there!
Oh, and as for the number question - it's the number of your IMM post. So this would be (1) for you if it's your first! ;)
I just discovered/started the Sweep series! I found books 1, 2, 4-7 and 9 in a used bookshop while on holiday and read them in one go! I am desperately trying to find books 3 & 8 and 10-14 now (I apparently had 15 all along!). I am trying bookmooch, too, but so far no luck.
Great haul of books you got!
Oh, and as for the number question - It's the number of IMM posts you're at. So if this is your first it would be (1)! ;)
There a few people who got HUSH_HUSH you are one of them. I want to read: Devoured so let us know how good it is. Enjoy your books.
Thanks for all the helps guys, and I hope all of you enjoy your books too! ^^
Alex: I love the Sisterhood books so hopefully I'll like this one too!
Rebecc: I totally agree! lol
Michelle: WIll do!
haha thanks Steph! I love ti too! Actually it's inspired a short story I've been thinking about working on! It's super pretty :) hehe
Cat: Yeah bookmooch doesn't have a ton of them right now, but you could order them at amazon if you really wanted, and paperback swap might have more?
It really is a terrific series! *nodnod* I Skipped over 11 so I have to go back and read that one which I have in my posetion but I've been out of them for so long it's kinda hard for me to get back into the story without re reading them. XO
PLUS I still have to finish it off and read 15! *grr*
Hi! new to your blog and love it!!! Anyways just a quick question how do you get to many authors to send you books and ARC's???? Thanks
I Have An Award For You Here
Wow, so many people got Hush, Hush this week. Lucky! :)
Thanks Prophecy girl :)
i love the music on your page
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