While we're all spending the holidays typing up christmas lists, drinking eggnog by the fire, and enjoying the comforts of the season, some kids, our age and older, don't even have a warm place to sleep at night.
At age 18, many youth "age out" of foster care or the juvenile justice systems, without the necessary life skills to live independently. Some of them choose to leave their homes after years of mental, physical, and emotional abuse and neglect, so they turn to the streets, making themselves vulnerable to untreated mental health disorders, drug use, and sexual exploitation.
These homeless teens have no homes to go to, or family to be with, for christmas. They wont be getting any presents,the most they can wish for is a safe holiday, and hopefully somewhere warm to sleep at night. Luckily, there are a lot of shelters willing to help, but even staying in a shelter, there's nothing like a real home, and being able to be close to the ones you love, to make it feel like christmas.
Though everyone's having financial trouble right now, we have to hold onto the fact there are people out there, far worse off then we are. While we have to cut out some of our small luxuries, these kids have to cut out much more from their everyday lives. Nessecities.
And we can help. My idea is, to collect as many books as possible, YA Genre and above, to send to an orginization called
HomeBase Youth Services.
They have street outreach teams that drive around with food and supplies for those still on the street, as well letting them know about their transitional living center which can be hard for them to find out about/get to, mobil medical outreach services for those still on the street, and their transitional living center to help them get back on their feet, and get an education while still having the opertunity to work and earn money to support themselves.
I know that books won't change the situation these kids are in, and I know that it's not food or anything. But whenever I get so wrapped up in my own issues that I just need an escape, I read. I love that I have that outlet, and I really do think that by donating these books we could be giving these kids a chance to be carefree, if only for a few moments. Moments that could make a huge diffrence on their outlook on life, inspire them to rise above their situations, and know that they can change things.
Even if you could donate just one book, used or new, you would be a big part in helping give these kids a way to escape all of their aweful circumstances for just a little while, and get pulled into new world, full of possibilities.All book donations will be put in the HomeBase Transitional Living and Day Recorse Libraries,
and EVERY donation is appreciated.We're
looking for mainly YA books, and they LOVE Twilight so think along those lines (Science Fiction, and Fantasy type stuff too)
but I'm not going to be too picky, just books, please send me books!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Thanks so much for reading guys! Now about that contest....One of my favorite books of the year was
Hush, Hush, by Becca Fitzpatrick, (LOVE!) And I'm so excited to announce a Hush, Hush giveaway!
I have a SIGNED Hardcover to give away, and also My ARC in perfect condition! I will give each of these away to two lucky winners who will also recive...~ A Hush, Hush bookmark
~ A Hush, Hush postcard
~ AND a Hush, Hush cover art poster!All you have to do to enter is....1 Comment telling me what some of you're favorite books of '09 were
+2 Tell all you're friends to give up some of their old books to a great cause!
+3 Blog, Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, whatever about this post, specificlly about donating books to HomeBase Youth Center
+5 Make a youtube video encouraging people to donate.**EDIT** Plus 10 if you donate at least one book (Above for details)!Unfortunatly I can't affor international postage so this is just open to residents of the US, but if you'd like to donate from out of the country and are willing to pay the postage of course we'd be more then happy to accept you're donations.
That's all everyone! I'd love it if you'd concider donating, and I hope you all enjoy the rest of the months festivities!Keep an eye out for new posts every weekday for Interviews, Reviews, and chances to win cool prizes!